Monday, September 22, 2014

#1 Winning Strategy...Buy Gold At ZERO Out-of-Pocket Cost

Tip: I let the The KBI System do the 'Heavy Lifting'.
The word SYSTEM is an acronym for Save Yourself Some Time Effort and Money.

Here's HOW I leveraged The KBI System to provide Karatbars Benefits for me.

1.  I enrolled in Karatbars as an Affiliate at no cost.
2.  This allowed me to buy gold without any fees should I decide to do that.
3.  I purchased a Silver Affiliate Marketing Package at a one-time cost of $350.  This allowed me to participate in Karatbars Seven Income Streams.
4.  I found two people (actually more than that) just like me and helped them get started just like I did.  I showed each of them HOW to enroll two other people (and so forth).  This process is called Duplication which I will tell you about.
5.  THEREFORE their continuing recruiting efforts put money into my Karatbars International Debit MasterCard.
6.  I used that money to buy Karatbars Cards for myself.
7.  THEREFORE my cost of ownership is ZERO!  Each Karatbars Card is 100% profit should I decided to sell them for any reason.  OR I can just store them ( at no cost) at Karatbars International OR i can have them sent directly to me.
8.  How much gold do I plan to buy?  I follow Jim Rickards recommendation that 20% of my wealth is in gold.
9.  THEREFORE it can be said that I'm a successful Karatbars Entrepreneur.
10. It's that simple - don't you agree?
11. If you do then just follow my example.

Note:  I will have to sell them at a discount. But...So What?  My cost of ownership is ZERO!
1.  I can sell them back to Karatbars International.
2.  I can sell them to other Affiliates.
3.  I can sell them online like at eBay.
4.  I can sell them to local jewelers.
5.  FYI:  I know how some local jewelers calculate the price they are willing to pay.  FORMULA:  (today's cost of one ounce of gold) divided by 31 to get the cost of one gram - then subtract (discount of 20% up to 30%).  On paper that sounds like a 'loss' of 50% or so based on buying a Karatbars Card directly.  EXCEPT - my real cost is ZERO since I let the S.Y.S.T.E.M. buy it for me.

Let me ask:  Can you live on that profit?

Actually I'm saving most of my Karatbars Cards as a hedge against the loss of the purchase power of USD.  I'll sell them at some future time - or my heirs will.

My questions to you are:
1.  Can you buy gold any cheaper?
2.  Can you hedge against inflation any more effectively?
3.  Can you protect your wealth better and safer by converting inflation-decimated USD (United States Dollars) into another asset?
4.  Can you provide for your estate planning any more effectively?
5.  Can you find another business that allows all this?
6.  Can you find another person with the experience (which I will tell you about) to mentor you?

Interested?  Continue on this blog see how how to Monetize Karatbars by partnering with me.

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