Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tips for...10 People Who Fear Home Business...But Shouldn't

It's often thought that only super sales types (both men and women) can be successful.  Not true.
Today's economy has been tough on a lot of good people ... people who can be successful with the right training and mentoring.

I'm looking for these good people ...both men and women of all age categories and backgrounds.  
Respond 'Yes' or 'No' (plus a short comment) to as many questions that are applicable; that is, how do you describe yourself and your goals.

1.  I am currently unemployed due to the economy and/or downsizing and I've not been able to find another job in my area of expertise.
2.  I was downsized in my prior organization and I've found another job at a much lower income level in an area outside my expertise that is unsatisfactory to me.
3.  I left my prior job on good terms and I'm attending school(s) to upgrade my skillset in order to find a more lucrative career but I'm years away from that.
4.  I am working in a job that I'm qualified for but the income level cannot sustain today's expenses and allow me to build a nest egg for the future.
5.  I am working in a job that I'm qualified for but I'm looking for a part-time job to supplement my income and I'm open to training to acquire new skills.
6.  I was downsized from an executive-level position.  I need a job that fits my current skillset.  I am unwilling to try to acquire new skills.
7.  I was downsized from an executive-level position.  I am willing to work to acquire new skills to return to that executive-level perhaps in another career area.
8.  I left my prior position on good terms in an area that I was qualified for; but, I now believe that career path is a dead end for me.  I want to do something new and exciting with exceptional income opportunities, and I'm willing to accept training to acquire those skills.
9.  My prior (or current) job required me to work and help other people attain their goals.  I was good at that.  But the income opportunities did not allow me to cover today's expenses and build a nest egg for the future.
10. While I like working with people I fear making presentations of any kind to them.  I don't know how to do that, but I'd be willing to learn.

This list is incomplete but I think you get the picture.  All of these people can earn a second chance at success in our American Society.  All they need to do is demonstrate that interest to me ... and I'm all for helping them.

Note that I'm not making any outrageous claims about income potential.  i can't control that because I cannot control the effort of people I train.  I can say this: if a person has the interest and is willing to follow my direction, only good things can happen.

Want to know more?    Top Tips about Karatbars!

So...Why do I think I'm the person who can help you?
Send me an email at and I'll send you my 'Extended Biography' and my mentoring outline 'Why Smokey Smoktonowicz' and we'll go from there.
After you review that and the rest of my blog, contact me if you are interested and we'll discuss the golden future for you.

Monday, September 22, 2014

#1 Winning Strategy...Buy Gold At ZERO Out-of-Pocket Cost

Tip: I let the The KBI System do the 'Heavy Lifting'.
The word SYSTEM is an acronym for Save Yourself Some Time Effort and Money.

Here's HOW I leveraged The KBI System to provide Karatbars Benefits for me.

1.  I enrolled in Karatbars as an Affiliate at no cost.
2.  This allowed me to buy gold without any fees should I decide to do that.
3.  I purchased a Silver Affiliate Marketing Package at a one-time cost of $350.  This allowed me to participate in Karatbars Seven Income Streams.
4.  I found two people (actually more than that) just like me and helped them get started just like I did.  I showed each of them HOW to enroll two other people (and so forth).  This process is called Duplication which I will tell you about.
5.  THEREFORE their continuing recruiting efforts put money into my Karatbars International Debit MasterCard.
6.  I used that money to buy Karatbars Cards for myself.
7.  THEREFORE my cost of ownership is ZERO!  Each Karatbars Card is 100% profit should I decided to sell them for any reason.  OR I can just store them ( at no cost) at Karatbars International OR i can have them sent directly to me.
8.  How much gold do I plan to buy?  I follow Jim Rickards recommendation that 20% of my wealth is in gold.
9.  THEREFORE it can be said that I'm a successful Karatbars Entrepreneur.
10. It's that simple - don't you agree?
11. If you do then just follow my example.

Note:  I will have to sell them at a discount. But...So What?  My cost of ownership is ZERO!
1.  I can sell them back to Karatbars International.
2.  I can sell them to other Affiliates.
3.  I can sell them online like at eBay.
4.  I can sell them to local jewelers.
5.  FYI:  I know how some local jewelers calculate the price they are willing to pay.  FORMULA:  (today's cost of one ounce of gold) divided by 31 to get the cost of one gram - then subtract (discount of 20% up to 30%).  On paper that sounds like a 'loss' of 50% or so based on buying a Karatbars Card directly.  EXCEPT - my real cost is ZERO since I let the S.Y.S.T.E.M. buy it for me.

Let me ask:  Can you live on that profit?

Actually I'm saving most of my Karatbars Cards as a hedge against the loss of the purchase power of USD.  I'll sell them at some future time - or my heirs will.

My questions to you are:
1.  Can you buy gold any cheaper?
2.  Can you hedge against inflation any more effectively?
3.  Can you protect your wealth better and safer by converting inflation-decimated USD (United States Dollars) into another asset?
4.  Can you provide for your estate planning any more effectively?
5.  Can you find another business that allows all this?
6.  Can you find another person with the experience (which I will tell you about) to mentor you?

Interested?  Continue on this blog see how how to Monetize Karatbars by partnering with me.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Dark Facts other Home Business Sponsors won't tell YOU!

1.  It's not talked about openly but there's solid evidence that 70% of the recruits who enter this industry are GONE within the first year.
2.  By the third year, 90% of the recruits are GONE.
3.  All of these recruits have spent hundreds...perhaps thousands...of dollars on products, training materials, sales materials, going to events, and a host of other expenses.

Home Business is the purest form of Entrepreneurship.  It's also the most challenging and mis-understood.  The 5% to 10% who make it can do very well financially. But it's not easy.  New recruits 'don't know what they don't know.'  I can't guarantee success because I cannot guarantee your interest and motivation.  But...I'm going to correct that for the recruits I accept into my business.

I've 'been there and done that'.  I've been in FastTrack sales and marketing with major companies; I've operated an Entrepreneurship selling products and services of my company's creation; and, I've been in Home Business MLMs and eCommerce companies.  I've known success...and failure.

I know how to coach a new recruit in acquiring new skills and tools to become a Home Business Entrepreneur.  It's a lonely journey and you need an experienced and qualified Mentor.

There are seven reasons:
1.  Unrealistic Expectations:  Recruits cannot execute plans that only FastTrack experienced sales people have a chance of following.
2.  Time: recruits are faced with compressing their efforts into time frames they cannot manage.
3.  Self Image destroyed:  Sponsors try to cushion recruits' inexperience by telling them to just find a prospect and the Sponsor will close them - and the recruit 'learns' from this.  This robs the recruit of the satisfaction of making the sale with one of their prospects.
4.  Sponsors play 'The Numbers Game':  The old furniture industry (which I know a lot about) prospecting maxim is 'Just throw a lot of crap against the wall and pursue only what sticks'.  The recruit is treated as a commodity - not human beings with feelings of self-worth wanting to be successful.
5.  Financial rewards:  Recruits are asked to present programs that are fanciful, unrealistic and unobtainable. The recruit is embarrassed by this; and, their Subconscious Mind punishes them for participating in this deception.
6.  FEAR: Most recruits do not know how to present. Stage Fright or Performance Anxiety is paralyzing, blocks out  perception, psyche and motivation.  I've been a presenter for over 50 years and I know how to deal with this.  Most sponsors do not.
7.  Self-Confidence:  Most sponsors do not know how to build this in a new recruit.  In fact most sponsors actually destroy this in their new recruits by their above actions.

You can learn more by requesting my analysis on Home Business by sending me an email at and I'll send it to in PDF format no obligation.

TRUST SMOKEY SMOKTONOWICZ.  Continue on reading the posts on this blog.